Club Chartering

Club Chartering
Click HERE for Club Chartering information
Find the End of Year Report HERE
If you are interested in creating a club please contact:
Emily Green – 4-H County Specialist- Senior Instructor
Jen Loewen – 4-H Youth Development Specialist

Club Leader Responsibilities
Organizational Club Leaders are responsible for submitting the following enrollment materials to the El Paso County Extension Office once 4-H members have self-enrolled. Club enrollments must be submitted together at one time.
- All clubs will need to submit a completed 4-H Confirmation Form with their check. This is a fill-able form in which Organizational Club Leaders track what needs to be submitted by each enrolled 4-H member and volunteer-leader.
- The form is attached, you can also access it as a google sheet with this link:
- All animal forms for members enrolling in animal projects must be included with the enrollment check or I will not be able to accept the payment.
- This includes Show Ring Ethics and the Animal Care and Housing forms
For enrollment deadlines, details and policies please refer to the El Paso County Policies for Success
NOTE: If you would like to sign required forms electronically they must be downloaded and opened in Adobe
Event Planning

Event Planning Materials
Event Policies
- 4-H volunteer-leaders should NOT sign contracts for any engagement, including the use of facilities. If a volunteer-leader needs to have a contract signed, the El Paso County Extension Office must be contacted. Please allow at least 3 weeks for this process.
- Additional Insurance: Special event or activity (tours, day trips, travelling outside of the state, one-day camps, events which are open to the children outside of 4-H, etc.) insurance is also available on a per-day basis. Please fill out the special event insurance form online. Volunteer-leaders are responsible for completing insurance forms and paying necessary fees.
Other Forms
NOTE: If you would like to sign required forms electronically they must be downloaded and opened in Adobe
- Informed Consent Form This form needs to be filled out for any non-4-H youth attending a 4-H event or activity. Parent/Guardian permission to participate in attained via parent signature.
- Informed Consent Form – Outdoor Activities This form needs to be filled out for any youth, 4-H members and non-4-H members, is participating in an outdoor activity such as rafting, hiking, or camping under the 4-H program umbrella.
- 4-H Youth Development Incident Report-It is recommended that you always have this form on hand in case of emergency
- Equipment Supply Request Form: the CSU Extension, El Paso County Office has supplies that you can rent. Complete and return this form at least a week before your event and we will try to have everything ready

4-H Volunteer-Leader Membership
4-H volunteer leaders are the heart of the 4-H Program
A volunteer-leader serves in a multitude of roles ranging from the club-level to supervising other volunteer-leaders at the county-, regional- or state-level(s).
4-H volunteer-leader roles include Organizational Club Leader, Project Leader, Activity Leader, Advisory Council Leader, Chaperone, Cloverbud Leader, Advisory Council or Committee Member, etc.
Please see the El Paso County Policies for Success for instructions and requirements for becoming a 4-H Volunteer leader. Club leaders and the CSU Extension Office can guide you through this process. We’re happy to have you!
Record Books

Record Books
- Club organizational leaders are responsible for collecting and ensuring the following record books are graded by the deadline set by the El Paso CSU Extension office:
- Animal record books
- General/Family and Consumer Science/Shooting sports record books that were not submitted for grading at El Paso County Fair
- Organizational leaders can delegate the grading of the record books to project leaders or other knowledgeable 4-H Volunteers
- The official rubrics and score sheet should be used when grading E-Records. If a record book is graded using the wrong rubric or does not follow outlined policies than it will not move onto further outside grading.
- If a 4-H member turns in an unsatisfactory E-Record, they should be given one week to revise the E-Record to reach a score of 70% or higher. If E-Record revisions are required and completed, the 4-H member will not be eligible for end-of-year E-Record awards, but the satisfactory revisions will meet the completion requirement.
Please refer to the El Paso County Policies for Success for additional details regarding requirements for animal and General Project record books
Project Rubrics/ Score Sheets
Officer Book Score Sheets
E-Record Book Templates

Ordering Curriculum for Projects
We have tons of 4-H Project Manuals for sale at the Extension Office, please contact us to see if we have what you are looking for!
Please check here, the Colorado 4-H Website, to see if your project manual may be available for free download. If you do not see it there, we may have your project manual for sale at the Extension Office. If you have any questions about manuals, please contact us!
County 4-H Policies
State 4-H Policies
- Colorado State 4-H Policies for Success
- El Paso County 4-H Club Directory
- Colorado 4-H Youth Development Policies
- CSU Protection of Minors Policy
- Using the 4-H Name & Emblem
- 4-H Code of Conduct
- 4-H Adult Code of Conduct
- Colorado 4-H Dress Code
- Colorado 4-H Website Code of Conduct
- Alcohol Policy Handbook – updated version coming soon
- Alcohol Awareness Brochure
Club Resources
- 4-H Use of Funds
- Financial Accountability
- Excess Funds and 5 Year Plan
- Informed Consent Form
- Informed Consent Form – Outdoor Activities
- 4-H Youth Development Incident Report
- Zoom Instructional Sheet
- Club Meeting Planning Tool
Other Resources
- More Than 4 Project Rule
- Accommodations Form
- Best Practices for Animal Handling
- What is a Community Service
- Policy on Branding for Clubs, Project Groups, and Committees