What is 4-H?
In 4‑H, we believe in the power of young people. We see that every child has valuable strengths and real influence to improve the world around us. We are America’s largest youth development organization—empowering nearly six million young people across the U.S. with the skills to lead for a lifetime
The 4-H Motto is : “To Make the Best Better” and the Slogan is , “Learn by Doing.”
These phrases represent the goal of Positive Youth Development, as does the 4-H Pledge:
“I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger service,
and my health to better living,
for my club, my community, my country, and my world.”
4-H is a Community
4‑H is delivered by Cooperative Extension—a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provides experiences where young people learn by doing. Kids complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and citizenship, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids experience 4‑H in every county and parish in the country—through in-school and after-school programs, school and community clubs and 4‑H camps.
Interested in joining? Click here!
El Paso County 4-H
Emily Green – 4-H County Specialist- Senior Instructor
Jen Loewen – 4-H Youth Development Specialist
Shawna Lamothe – 4-H Admin Assistant
CSU Extension, El Paso County
17 N Spruce St, 2nd Floor
Colorado Springs, CO 80905