Food Safety & Cooking

Food Safety
- Be Food Safe: 10 tips to reduce the risk of foodborne illness
- Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness Tips
- How to Prevent Coronavirus Infection: This brief article offers food safety advice to stem the spread of virus infections.
- FDA Food Safe Meal Prep Tips: Following these tips when cooking and chilling Leftovers can help prevent food-borne illness
- Food Storage and Quality-Proper food storage helps to preserve the quality and nutritional value and stretches your dollar. Proper food storage can help prevent food-borne illnesses caused by harmful bacteria.

Food Preservation
Colorado State University Extension 4-H Online Virtual Resources can be found here:
National 4-H COVID-19 Response & Resources:
Across the country, communities are facing unforeseen challenges due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19). 4-H at the national level has an unwavering commitment to positive youth development. The following free resources available to all families during this challenging time:
Shared Community Resources
Shared by El Paso County Boy Scout Troop Member
Health & Wellness
Health and Wellness

Kids’ Guide to Mindfulness: Encourage your kids and the entire family to pay more attention to their emotional and mental well-being. These wellness activities, from the 4‑H Inspire Kids to Do™ Healthy Living Activity Guide, are great ways to help inspire your kids how to be more aware of how they are feeling


Grow food – help others. CSU Extension Grow and Give Modern Victory Garden Project:
Learn to grow food and donate extra locally. Click here for resources designed to help you grow your own food this year and beyond. You got this, Colorado! Colorado State University Extension & Master Gardeners are here to help every step of the way. Learn more about the history of victory gardens.
Gardening at Home
During this pandemic, many people are becoming more interested in growing their own vegetable gardens – to avoid trips to the grocery store and to help others.

Here are some resources to help you get started:
Parenting Resources
Please see the links below for parenting resources from reliable, research based sources (desplazarse hacia abajo para español ):

- Helping Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Things families can do to support their children during school closure related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Creating a new normal for kids during the uncertainties of COVID-19: A lack of routine, coupled with the fear of an unknown illness, can be overwhelming for children. A pediatric psychologist with the Children’s Learning Institute at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) explains what parents can do to maintain a sense of normalcy for their children during this time.
- Twelve Talks to Have With Teens: Teens in Jefferson County report lots of worries about the new coronavirus (COVID-19)– ranging from worries about the effects on our community and the health of family members, to feeling sad about their loss of daily social activities and wondering if prom or graduation ceremonies will be canceled. As a parent or guardian, it can be hard to know how to talk with teens about COVID-19…

Kids’ Guide to Mindfulness: Encourage your kids and the entire family to pay more attention to their emotional and mental well-being. These wellness activities, from the 4‑H Inspire Kids to Do™ Healthy Living Activity Guide, are great ways to help inspire your kids how to be more aware of how they are feeling in any situation.
Recursos y guias para padres y familias sobre COVID-19
- Guía de ayuda para padres y cuidadores para ayudar a las familias a enfrentar la enfermedad Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19): En este momento, la información sobre el COVID-19 está evolucionando rápidamente a medida que se confirman nuevos detalles y surgen nuevas preguntas. Si surgiera un brote de la enfermedad en su comunidad, su primera preocupación como padres o cuidador es cómo proteger y cuidar a sus hijos y su familia. El conocimiento de la información importante sobre el brote, y cómo prepararse, puede reducir el estrés y ayudar a calmar las inquietudes razonables.
- ¿Cómo hablar con su hijo sobre este virus?: Si revisa continuamente el teléfono para consultar las últimas actualizaciones sobre el coronavirus, lo más probable es que su hijo ya se haya dado cuenta. Los padres deben estar preparados para responder las preguntas del coronavirus de sus hijos. Si los niños no parecen estar interesados o no hacen preguntas, es completamente normal.
- Hable con sus hijos sobre el COVID-19 (Coronavirus)- Un recurso para padres: un artículo publicado por la Asociación Nacional de Psicólogos Escolares