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Colorado State University Extension operates in partnership with the El Paso County Community Services Division to provide non-credit programming to local citizens.


The responsibilities of the 4-H Horse Advisory Committee shall include the following:

  1. Coordinate promotion and scheduling of events, activities and shows in El Paso County with the 4-H Youth Development/Agriculture Extension Agent.
  2. In addition, the committee shall review existing county 4-H horse projects, programs, and activities; analyze ways and means of new and more effective efforts and advise the 4-H Youth Development/Agriculture Extension Agent accordingly, helping motivate 4-H members to pursue their project with excellence.
  3. Uphold all written county, state and national 4-H rules and policies and codes of behavior.
  4. Fund-raising to provide financial support for 4-H horse activities, and administrating those funds.
  5. Advise the 4-H Youth Development/Agriculture Extension Agent related to the administration of the 4-H Horse Show at the El Paso County Fair (i.e. Enforcement of El Paso County Show Ring Code of Ethics, Exhibition Rules, and judge recommendations).
  6. The committee shall provide a “sounding board” for concerns and suggestions from interested individuals and groups that would benefit and encourage the education and development of horse and rider.
  7. Distribution of scholarships and selection recipients.
  8. Make recommendations on resource leaders involved in the 4-H horse program in El Paso County.



Treasurer's Report

Keeping ahead of COVID-19

This rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) has imposed an unsettling, fluid situation upon our community and its businesses. While the team here still aims to maintain a “business as usual” approach, we are making a number of significant changes to our operations to account for a situation that is far from normal.